Central Coast democracy

The Central Coast Greens are a local group within the NSW Greens. The NSW Greens have 61 local groups across the state. As a local group, we adhere to the public policy platforms agreed on by the grassroots membership of the NSW Greens. As a nationwide political party, the Greens are not only concerned with environmental issues but many other issues concerning our society. We have carefully thought out and costed policies such as developing affordable housing, capping rents, public ownership, dental and mental health care for all in Medicare and a commitment to grassroots democracy. All of these policies are relevant to the Central Coast.


The Greens will always speak for the community. We do not take developer or corporate donations and rely on the support of local volunteers like you. The Central Coast Greens cover two electorates, Dobell to the north of the Central Coast and Robertson to the South.

Our Policies

  • 1. Mining and burning coal and fossil gas are fuelling the climate crisis. The climate crisis threatens Australia and Australian society. It is imperative to keep global warming below 1.5 degrees.

    2. NSW must rapidly end all coal and gas mining and energy generation from fossil fuels.

    3. NSW as a major coal exporter, has a significant and particular global climate responsibility to assist in global greenhouse gas emissions reduction and must end coal exports. A coal export profit-driven motive is unconscionable in the face of increased global warming.

    4. NSW must be powered by 100% renewable electricity by 2030.


  • 1. Housing is a human right and fundamental to social and economic justice.

    2. Every person has the right to affordable, accessible, safe and secure accommodation.

    3. Homelessness and lack of housing among First Nations peoples and communities must be understood and addressed in the context of colonisation, dispossession, and displacement.

    4. First Nations peoples' and communities’ housing needs must be met as a matter of urgency, and the planning, design and development of their housing and homelessness support services must be led by First Nations community-controlled organisations.


  • 1. Integrated, accessible, and efficient transport systems will lead to sustainability.

    2. State transport infrastructure and major services should be publicly owned and administered, not run for profit.

    3. Maintaining and improving existing public transport infrastructure and services is vital for New South Wales.

    4. People have the right to fare-free, efficient, accessible and safe public transport.

    5. Transport systems that favour public transport and active transport, including cycling and walking, are both environmentally superior and more socially inclusive and deserve far greater support and funding.


  • 1. Local government is an essential component of democracy as it is closest to the community and is in the best position to identify and respond to their needs.

    2. Decisions should be made at the level closest to the people they affect.

    3. A commitment to grassroots and participatory democracy means that there must be a fundamental restructuring to empower local communities. Such empowerment should include protection for Local Government Representatives equivalent to that enjoyed by State and Federal representatives in terms of Parliamentary privilege.

    4. As the first Australians, Aboriginal people have a unique voice and history which must be recognised in local government.

    5. Local government is a crucial voice for local communities, particularly in rural and regional areas. It deserves real sovereignty and independence.


Help us protect Democracy and the environment of the central coast

$13 prints a sign we can leave in a high traffic area to connect with passersby.

$30 lets us supply a campaign volunteer with a
t-shirt, badge and clipboard.

$50 shows people at home a video on social media about our campaign.

$250 prints heaps of pamphlets to make people aware of our policies

Upcoming events.

The Central Coast Greens events calendar is an outstanding resource for anyone looking to stay up-to-date with environmental and social justice events in the Central Coast of NSW. From rallies and protests to workshops and seminars, this calendar features various events geared towards promoting sustainable lifestyles and protecting our planet. Whether you're looking to network with like-minded individuals, learn about environmental policies or have fun at a community festival, the Central Coast Greens events calendar has got you covered. So, check it out and get involved in the fight for a better and more sustainable future!